Artist, Poet, Experimental Musician, 

Student of Comparative Literature and Chinese Studies

Photo by Sall Lam Toro at The Black Box, Aarhus C, Institut for X, 2019

Hello I'm Meunis 



I'm open for orders of my drawings in various prints, sizes and quality. HIT ME UP ON IG

I also do illustrations. Do YOUR stories need some livelihood? If you want to do a colab, send me a message and we will work something out.

Also open for booking regarding poetry readings, performance, teaching or other discussion panels regarding contemporary political issues or the power of poetry.

I am very passionately interested in contemporary geopolitics and hold a strong Marxist-Leninist political stand. 

"The old world is dying, and the new one struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters" - Gramsci


I just uploaded a pdf of my Notes from 2022 called "BRICKS 2026" 

It contains a large amount of my poems from the year, plus links to interesting articles, quotes and references, recommendations and just at bunch of thoughts that I am still trying to put together. 

Also I am considering to start a blog on here, since I will be going to China next year I am gonna have a lot to share.  


Beijing so far... (13. March 2023)

It has only been a week and yet it seems like a lifetime. I am away from my family which feels like my heart has been torn apart. Living through an open heart surgery.. Yet I am so full of new impressions and experiences every day, I've been to the Chinese Great Wall a few days ago which was such a surreal experience, felt like I walked through a portal that clashed the laws of time and space, I'm just generally overwhelmed. Class is really fun and learning a lot, homework is manageable. So far I spend most time outside class, checking out the canteens on campus and just getting familiar by walking around the area. I VideoCall with them at home at least twice a day which was hard for Akko in the beginning, but she seems to have gotten used to it by now. We have sorted it out with the Visa and stuff for them to come and stay here for the last two months and maybe we have a flat, fingers crossed. So excited for that! Think this is it for now. maybe I will start writing some more abstract inputs of my all in all impressions, with a more geopolitical perspective mixed with personal emotional, in the end we are but antennas of the consciousness that surrounds us all...  

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